Chicago DUI Defense Attorney
The consequences of a DUI conviction include both legal penalties and the ramifications you may experience in other areas of your life. At Fagan, Fagan & Davis, we can ensure you have the strongest defense possible to reduce your chances of being subjected to the penalties and consequences. Throughout our long careers as DUI defense attorneys, we have been able to help thousands of clients avoid adverse consequences, and would be honored to do the same for you!
Other Impacts
What many people do not realize is that there are more consequences to conviction than just the penalties imposed by the judge. With a DUI conviction on your record, you may be prohibited from applying for or holding certain jobs, especially if the position requires a driver’s license. In addition to the employment consequences, you must also contend with the humiliation of having a DUI conviction on their record. Increased car insurance premiums are another negative consequence of a DUI conviction, as the rates you are required to pay may rise significantly.
These consequences are in addition to such legal penalties as driver license suspension and revocation, thousands of dollars in fines, many hours of community service, mandatory DUI school and treatment, possible time in jail or prison, and the installation of a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) in the vehicle.
Choose Knowledgeable Representation
Illinois drunk driving law is complex, and your defense should be handled by an experienced attorney. While the law is consistent throughout the state of Illinois, each county court may have different rules for case procedures. A case in Chicago or Cook County will proceed differently than a DUI case in Lake County or DuPage County. Driver’s license suspensions are also handled differently. Missing the subtle differences can mean missing opportunities to protect you and your driver’s license. Your attorney must be aware of these details, because not knowing is detrimental to the outcome of your case. Intoxicated driving statutes in Illinois continue to get more complex every day, with our legislature putting enormous pressure on defendants.
If you have been charged with DUI, don’t leave yourself vulnerable to these and other consequences. By contacting an experienced lawyer at our firm, you can rest assured that your rights and future will be aggressively defended throughout all stages of your case. At Fagan, Fagan & Davis, we are very committed to protecting our clients from the consequences that could negatively affect their lives for years to come. Our number priority is making sure each and every client has the benefit of our dedication, attention, and overall exceptional legal representation necessary to overcome their charges and achieve a winning verdict.